SBI! RSS Feeds

Here are the three SBI! Forums RSS feeds, plus the feed for the SiteSell Blog. Simply right-click on the orange RSS button for each feed (below) that interests you. Next...

Select Copy Shortcut (Copy Link for Mac; Copy Link Location if you use Firefox) then paste that URL into your RSS Reader.

And that's it! You're subscribed.

Latest SBI! Forum Posts

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For SBIers only...   You get a steady stream of posts to the SBI! Forums. "THE Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion," come by to help and be helped. Subscribing to this feed lets you scan for threads that interest you for any one of a number of reasons.

The forums are a bustling place -- so we update this feed every 5 minutes. You'll see the Thread Title, who posted it and when, along with the beginning of the actual discussion. If it interests you, click on the Thread Title and off you go, straight to that post.

Ken's Forum Posts

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For SBIers and SiteSell Affiliates only... Founder and CEO Ken Evoy says, "I truly love the SBI! Forums. The wisdom of the collectivity is stunning. The 'pay it forward' attitude of 'help and be helped' prevails."

"I generally try to save my posts for meatier subjects. RSS gives me a way to leverage that content and share it with everyone. These posts often become mini-articles that never make it into SBIX, but that may be just the piece of information, just the approach, that an SBIer could use at that moment... or something to file away for later use."

Affiliate Manager's Forum Posts

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For SBIers and SiteSell Affiliates only...   Erin, Manager of the SiteSell Affiliate Program, posts about new releases, how to earn more as an affiliate, updates and upgrades to the Affiliate Club, and other affiliate-related news.

SiteSell Blog

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Great business-building web content from the creators of SBI! and SBI! for WP.

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